Images left to right: 2885-2:06 AM; 2897-2:12; 2911-2:18; 2931-2:25; 2941-2:27; 2945-2:31; 2556-2:32; 2973-2:40 2994-2:44 AM; 3020-2:49; 3033-2:52; 3034-2:53; 3041-2:54; 3064-2:58; 3098-3:11; 3099-3:14 3087-3:05 AM; 3160-3:50AM Full Lunar Eclipse (stars are visible)
3105-3:21 AM; 3126-3:32; 3140-3:38; 3160-3:50; 3164-3:54; 3174-4:07; 3191-4:23; 3212-4:32 3217-4:34 AM; 3236-4:44; 3253-4:48; 3282-4:54; 3304-4:58; 3335-5:09; 3353-5:16; 3414-3:32
Lunar Eclipse 8/28/2007, Canon EOS 20D, Lens Tokina 300mm f/2.8 Lens w/ 2xb & Hamma Adapter 1.26Total Focal length 1210 mm f/5.6. Photos taken with remote switch with camera mounted on a Velbon CX 687 Tripod. Exposures 1/500- 1.2 seconds, processed in Photoshop CS2.