The Pleiades Open Star Cluster M45

Pleiades Open Star Cluster M45
Pleiades Open Star Cluster M45 also know as Maia Nebula

The Pleiades M45, is a well known naked eye Open Star Cluster in the constellation of Taurus (The Bull). The Pleiades (M45) is a young open cluster of stars enshrouded in gas and dust which is illuminated by several bright stars. Also know as the Seven Sisters covering an area of 2° and lying a mere 415-444 light years away. In fact through binoculars you can see nine prominent stars, two of which are the parents of the seven sisters. The stars are of varying brightness and distances from Earth. They vary from Magnitude 2.9 Alcyone 240 light years to Celaeno magnitude 5.5 and 590 light years distant.

The bright stars are middle aged hot B type Blue stars forming the closets star cluster to earth.  They formed approximately 100 million years ago. The nebula is not related to the stars and is just illuminated interstellar dust. 

This formation of stars (6) is know as Subaru in Japan (to unite).  It was chosen as Subaru brand of cars which united 5 companies into one thus the 6 stars depicted for their logo.